
These examples use PyAEDT to show some multiphysics applications.

HFSS-Mechanical MRI analysis

This example uses a coil tuned to 63.8 MHz to determine the temperature rise in a gel phantom near an implant given a background SAR of 1 W/kg.

HFSS-Mechanical MRI analysis
HFSS-Mechanical multiphysics analysis
HFSS Mechanical

This example shows how to use PyAEDT to create a multiphysics workflow that includes Circuit, HFSS, and Mechanical.

HFSS-Mechanical multiphysics analysis
Import of a PCB and its components via IDF and EDB
Icepak ECAD

This example shows how to import a PCB and its components using IDF files (LDB and BDF). You can also use a combination of EMN and EMP files in a similar way.

Import of a PCB and its components via IDF and EDB

This example shows how to create a project from scratch in HFSS and Icepak.

Electrothermal analysis

This example shows how to use the EDB for DC IR analysis and electrothermal analysis. The EDB is loaded into SIwave for analysis and postprocessing. In the end, an Icepak project is exported from SIwave.

Electrothermal analysis
Circuit-HFSS-Icepak coupling workflow

This example shows how to create a two-way coupling between HFSS and Icepak.

Circuit-HFSS-Icepak coupling workflow
HFSS-Icepak microwave oven analysis
HFSS Icepak

This example shows how to couple together HFSS and Icepak to run multiphysics analysis on a well know problem of microwave oven.

Multi physics HFSS-Icepak microwave oven simulation