These examples use PyAEDT to show EMIT capabilities.


This example shows how to create a project in EMIT for the simulation of an antenna using HFSS.

HFSS to EMIT coupling

This example shows how to link an HFSS design to EMIT and model RF interference among various components.

HFSS to EMIT coupling
Interference type classification

This example shows how to load an existing AEDT EMIT design and analyze the results to classify the worst-case interference.

Interference type classification
Compute receiver protection levels
EMIT protection

This example shows how to open an AEDT project with an EMIT design and analyze the results to determine if the received power at the input to each receiver exceeds the specified protection levels.

Interference type classification using a GUI
Interference type classification using a GUI
EMIT protection

This example uses a GUI to open an AEDT project with an EMIT design and analyze the results to classify the worst-case interference.

Interference type classification using a GUI