
These examples create end-to-end workflows with PyAEDT and PyEDB.

Configuration Files

Links to examples in the PyAEDT documentation that show how to use PyEDB configuration files.

Use configuration

This example shows how you can use PyAEDT to export an IPC2581 file.

EDB: IPC2581 export
Plot Layout

This example shows how to use the Edb class to view nets, layers and via geometry directly in Python.

EDB: plot nets with Matplotlib
IC Workflow using GDS

This example shows how to use the Edb class to manage GDS files, import them and setup analysis.

EDB: Edit Control File and import gds
HFSS 3D Layout GUI modificatation
UI 3D Layout

Provides HFSS 3D Layout GUI modification examples.

HFSS Layout UI modification