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Dipole antenna#

This example shows how to use PyAEDT to create a dipole antenna in HFSS and postprocess results.

Keywords: HFSS, modal, antenna, 3D components, far field.

Perform imports and define constants#

Perform required imports.

import os
import tempfile
import time
import ansys.aedt.core

Define constants.

AEDT_VERSION = "2024.2"
NG_MODE = False  # Open AEDT UI when it is launched.

Create temporary directory#

Create a temporary directory where downloaded data or dumped data can be stored. If you’d like to retrieve the project data for subsequent use, the temporary folder name is given by

temp_folder = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")

Launch AEDT#

d = ansys.aedt.core.launch_desktop(
    AEDT_VERSION, non_graphical=NG_MODE, new_desktop=True
PyAEDT INFO: Python version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr  5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)].
PyAEDT INFO: PyAEDT version 0.15.dev0.
PyAEDT INFO: Initializing new Desktop session.
PyAEDT INFO: Log on console is enabled.
PyAEDT INFO: Log on file C:\Users\ansys\AppData\Local\Temp\pyaedt_ansys_2914a2f3-0ae8-4032-8006-81cc4d091517.log is enabled.
PyAEDT INFO: Log on AEDT is enabled.
PyAEDT INFO: Debug logger is disabled. PyAEDT methods will not be logged.
PyAEDT INFO: Launching PyAEDT with gRPC plugin.
PyAEDT INFO: New AEDT session is starting on gRPC port 58374.
PyAEDT WARNING: Electronics Desktop license not found on the default license server.
PyAEDT INFO: Electronics Desktop started on gRPC port: 58374 after 1.5208442211151123 seconds.
PyAEDT INFO: AEDT installation Path C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\v242\Win64
PyAEDT INFO: Ansoft.ElectronicsDesktop.2024.2 version started with process ID 12404.

Launch HFSS#

Create an HFSS design.

project_name = os.path.join(, "dipole.aedt")
hfss = ansys.aedt.core.Hfss(
    version=AEDT_VERSION, project=project_name, solution_type="Modal"
PyAEDT INFO: Python version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr  5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)].
PyAEDT INFO: PyAEDT version 0.15.dev0.
PyAEDT INFO: Returning found Desktop session with PID 12404!
PyAEDT INFO: Project dipole has been created.
PyAEDT INFO: No design is present. Inserting a new design.
PyAEDT INFO: Added design 'HFSS_V63' of type HFSS.
PyAEDT INFO: Aedt Objects correctly read

Define variable#

Define a variable for the dipole length.

hfss["l_dipole"] = "13.5cm"

Get 3D component from system library#

Get a 3D component from the syslib directory. For this example to run correctly, you must get all geometry parameters of the 3D component or, in case of an encrypted 3D component, create a dictionary of the parameters.

compfile = hfss.components3d["Dipole_Antenna_DM"]
geometryparams = hfss.get_components3d_vars("Dipole_Antenna_DM")
geometryparams["dipole_length"] = "l_dipole"
hfss.modeler.insert_3d_component(compfile, geometryparams)
PyAEDT INFO: Modeler class has been initialized! Elapsed time: 0m 1sec
PyAEDT INFO: Parsing C:/Users/ansys/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpa_da1p_v.ansys/dipole.aedt.
PyAEDT INFO: File C:/Users/ansys/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpa_da1p_v.ansys/dipole.aedt correctly loaded. Elapsed time: 0m 0sec
PyAEDT INFO: aedt file load time 0.0
<ansys.aedt.core.modeler.cad.components_3d.UserDefinedComponent at 0x1bf66447d30>

Create boundaries#

Create an open region.

PyAEDT INFO: Open Region correctly created.
PyAEDT INFO: Project dipole Saved correctly

Create setup#

setup = hfss.create_setup("MySetup")
setup.props["Frequency"] = "1GHz"
setup.props["MaximumPasses"] = 1

Run simulation#

hfss.analyze_setup(name="MySetup", cores=NUM_CORES)
PyAEDT INFO: Key Desktop/ActiveDSOConfigurations/HFSS correctly changed.
PyAEDT INFO: Solving design setup MySetup
PyAEDT INFO: Key Desktop/ActiveDSOConfigurations/HFSS correctly changed.
PyAEDT INFO: Design setup MySetup solved correctly in 0.0h 0.0m 19.0s


Plot s-parameters and far field.

variations = hfss.available_variations.nominal_w_values_dict
variations["Freq"] = ["1GHz"]
variations["Theta"] = ["All"]
variations["Phi"] = ["All"]
    report_category="Far Fields",
PyAEDT INFO: Parsing C:/Users/ansys/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpa_da1p_v.ansys/dipole.aedt.
PyAEDT INFO: File C:/Users/ansys/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpa_da1p_v.ansys/dipole.aedt correctly loaded. Elapsed time: 0m 0sec
PyAEDT INFO: aedt file load time 0.01769232749938965
PyAEDT INFO: PostProcessor class has been initialized! Elapsed time: 0m 0sec
PyAEDT INFO: Post class has been initialized! Elapsed time: 0m 0sec
< at 0x1bf66d4b310>

Create a far field report.

new_report =
    "db(RealizedGainTotal)", hfss.nominal_adaptive, "3D"
new_report.report_type = "3D Polar Plot"
new_report.secondary_sweep = "Phi"
new_report.variations["Freq"] = ["1000MHz"]

This code generates a 2D plot.

hfss.field_setups[2].phi_step = 90
new_report2 =
    "db(RealizedGainTotal)", hfss.nominal_adaptive, hfss.field_setups[2].name
new_report2.variations = variations
new_report2.primary_sweep = "Theta"

Get solution data using the new_report object and postprocess or plot the data outside AEDT.

solution_data = new_report.get_solution_data()
PyAEDT INFO: Solution Data Correctly Loaded.

Generate a far field plot by creating a postprocessing variable and assigning it to a new coordinate system. You can use the post prefix to create a postprocessing variable directly from a setter, or you can use the set_variable() method with an arbitrary name.

hfss["post_x"] = 2
hfss.variable_manager.set_variable(name="y_post", expression=1, is_post_processing=True)
hfss.modeler.create_coordinate_system(origin=["post_x", "y_post", 0], name="CS_Post")
hfss.insert_infinite_sphere(custom_coordinate_system="CS_Post", name="Sphere_Custom")
<ansys.aedt.core.modules.boundary.hfss_boundary.FarFieldSetup at 0x1bf64fbba30>

Retrieve solution data#

You can also process solution data using Python libraries like Matplotlib.

new_report =
    "GainTotal", hfss.nominal_adaptive, "3D"
new_report.primary_sweep = "Theta"
new_report.far_field_sphere = "3D"
new_report.variations["Freq"] = ["1000MHz"]
solutions = new_report.get_solution_data()
PyAEDT INFO: Solution Data Correctly Loaded.

Generate a 3D plot using Matplotlib.

<ansys.aedt.core.visualization.plot.matplotlib.ReportPlotter at 0x1bf7c4b2e30>

Generate a far fields plot using Matplotlib.

new_report.far_field_sphere = "Sphere_Custom"
solutions_custom = new_report.get_solution_data()
PyAEDT INFO: Solution Data Correctly Loaded.
<ansys.aedt.core.visualization.plot.matplotlib.ReportPlotter at 0x1bf664d12d0>

Generate a 2D plot using Matplotlib where you specify whether it is a polar plot or a rectangular plot.

solutions.plot(formula="db20", is_polar=True)

Retrieve far-field data#

After the simulation completes, the far field data is generated port by port and stored in a data class. You can use this data once AEDT is released.

ffdata = hfss.get_antenna_data(
PyAEDT INFO: Far field sphere Sphere_Custom is assigned
PyAEDT INFO: Exporting antenna metadata...
PyAEDT INFO: Antenna metadata exported.
PyAEDT INFO: Exporting geometry...
PyAEDT INFO: Exporting embedded element patterns.... Done: 0.7163047790527344 seconds

Generate 2D cutout plot#

Generate a 2D cutout plot. You can define the Theta scan and Phi scan.

<ansys.aedt.core.visualization.plot.matplotlib.ReportPlotter at 0x1bf012fbd30>

Release AEDT#

# Wait 3 seconds to allow AEDT to shut down before cleaning the temporary directory.
PyAEDT INFO: Project dipole Saved correctly
PyAEDT INFO: Desktop has been released and closed.

Clean up#

All project files are saved in the folder If you’ve run this example as a Jupyter notebook, you can retrieve those project files. The following cell removes all temporary files, including the project folder.


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Download this example as a Jupyter Notebook or as a Python script.