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Circuit schematic creation and analysis#

This example shows how to build a circuit schematic and run a transient circuit simulation.


Keywords: AEDT, Circuit, Schematic.

Import packages and define constants#

Perform required imports.

import os
import tempfile
import time

import ansys.aedt.core

Define constants.

AEDT_VERSION = "2024.2"
NG_MODE = False  # Open AEDT UI when it is launched.

Create temporary directory#

Create a temporary directory where downloaded data or dumped data can be stored. If you’d like to retrieve the project data for subsequent use, the temporary folder name is given by

temp_folder = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(suffix=".ansys")

Launch AEDT with Circuit#

Launch AEDT with Circuit. The pyaedt.Desktop class initializes AEDT and starts the specified version in the specified mode.


circuit = ansys.aedt.core.Circuit( project=os.path.join(, "CircuitExample"), design="Simple", version=AEDT_VERSION, non_graphical=NG_MODE, new_desktop=True, ) circuit.modeler.schematic.schematic_units = "mil"
PyAEDT INFO: Python version 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr  5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)].
PyAEDT INFO: PyAEDT version 0.15.dev0.
PyAEDT INFO: Initializing new Desktop session.
PyAEDT INFO: Log on console is enabled.
PyAEDT INFO: Log on file C:\Users\ansys\AppData\Local\Temp\pyaedt_ansys_6e0fde04-ceda-4460-aa1a-925c9c9c02b0.log is enabled.
PyAEDT INFO: Log on AEDT is enabled.
PyAEDT INFO: Debug logger is disabled. PyAEDT methods will not be logged.
PyAEDT INFO: Launching PyAEDT with gRPC plugin.
PyAEDT INFO: New AEDT session is starting on gRPC port 53115.
PyAEDT WARNING: Electronics Desktop license not found on the default license server.
PyAEDT INFO: Electronics Desktop started on gRPC port: 53115 after 1.5475118160247803 seconds.
PyAEDT INFO: AEDT installation Path C:\Program Files\AnsysEM\v242\Win64
PyAEDT INFO: Ansoft.ElectronicsDesktop.2024.2 version started with process ID 6716.
PyAEDT INFO: Project CircuitExample has been created.
PyAEDT INFO: Added design 'Simple' of type Circuit Design.
PyAEDT INFO: Aedt Objects correctly read
PyAEDT INFO: ModelerCircuit class has been initialized! Elapsed time: 0m 0sec
PyAEDT INFO: ModelerNexxim class has been initialized!
PyAEDT INFO: Modeler class has been initialized! Elapsed time: 0m 0sec

Create circuit setup#

Create and customize a linear network analysis (LNA) setup.

setup1 = circuit.create_setup("MyLNA")
setup1.props["SweepDefinition"]["Data"] = "LINC 0GHz 4GHz 10001"

Place components#

Place components such as an inductor, resistor, and capacitor. The location argument provides the [x, y] coordinates to place the component.

inductor = circuit.modeler.schematic.create_inductor(
    name="L1", value=1e-9, location=[0, 0]
resistor = circuit.modeler.schematic.create_resistor(
    name="R1", value=50, location=[500, 0]
capacitor = circuit.modeler.schematic.create_capacitor(
    name="C1", value=1e-12, location=[1000, 0]

Get all pins#

The component pins are instances of the ansys.aedt.core.modeler.circuits.objct3dcircuit.CircuitPins class and provide access to the pin location, net connectivity, and the connect_to_component() method, which can be used to connect components in the schematic as demonstrated in this example.

Place a port and ground#

Place a port and a ground in the schematic.

port = circuit.modeler.components.create_interface_port(
    name="myport", location=[-300, 50]
gnd = circuit.modeler.components.create_gnd(location=[1200, -100])
PyAEDT INFO: Parsing C:/Users/ansys/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpiyogpphy.ansys/CircuitExample.aedt.
PyAEDT INFO: File C:/Users/ansys/AppData/Local/Temp/tmpiyogpphy.ansys/CircuitExample.aedt correctly loaded. Elapsed time: 0m 0sec
PyAEDT INFO: aedt file load time 0.015622138977050781

Connect components#

Connect components with wires in the schematic. The connect_to_component() method is used to create connections between pins.

port.pins[0].connect_to_component(assignment=inductor.pins[0], use_wire=True)
inductor.pins[1].connect_to_component(assignment=resistor.pins[1], use_wire=True)
resistor.pins[0].connect_to_component(assignment=capacitor.pins[0], use_wire=True)
capacitor.pins[1].connect_to_component(assignment=gnd.pins[0], use_wire=True)

Create transient setup#

Create a transient setup.

setup2 = circuit.create_setup(
    name="MyTransient", setup_type=circuit.SETUPS.NexximTransient
setup2.props["TransientData"] = ["0.01ns", "200ns"]
setup3 = circuit.create_setup(name="MyDC", setup_type=circuit.SETUPS.NexximDC)

Solve transient setup#

Solve the transient setup.

PyAEDT INFO: Key Desktop/ActiveDSOConfigurations/Circuit Design correctly changed.
PyAEDT INFO: Solving design setup MyLNA
PyAEDT INFO: Key Desktop/ActiveDSOConfigurations/Circuit Design correctly changed.
PyAEDT INFO: Design setup MyLNA solved correctly in 0.0h 0.0m 7.0s
PyAEDT INFO: FullWaveSpice correctly exported to C:\Users\ansys\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpiyogpphy.ansys\CircuitExample.pyaedt\Simple\Simple.sp

Create report#

Create a report displaying the scattering parameters.

solutions =
solutions.enable_pandas_output = True
real, imag = solutions.full_matrix_real_imag
PyAEDT INFO: Post class has been initialized! Elapsed time: 0m 2sec
PyAEDT INFO: Solution Data Correctly Loaded.
0.0000          1.000000
0.0004          1.000000
0.0008          1.000000
0.0012          0.999999
0.0016          0.999999
...                  ...
3.9984          0.021101
3.9988          0.021083
3.9992          0.021065
3.9996          0.021046
4.0000          0.021028

[10001 rows x 1 columns]

Create plot#

Create a plot based on solution data.

fig = solutions.plot()

Release AEDT#

Release AEDT and close the example.

# Wait 3 seconds to allow AEDT to shut down before cleaning the temporary directory.
PyAEDT INFO: Project CircuitExample Saved correctly
PyAEDT INFO: Desktop has been released and closed.

Clean up#

All project files are saved in the folder If you’ve run this example as a Jupyter notebook, you can retrieve those project files. The following cell removes all temporary files, including the project folder.


Download this example

Download this example as a Jupyter Notebook or as a Python script.